@extends('layouts.master') @section('styles') @endsection @section('content')

c3 charts

Chart name

    <div class="card">
        <div class="card-header">
            <h3 class="card-title">Chart name</h3>
        <div class="card-body">
            <div id="chart-combination" class="chartsh"></div>
        require(['c3', 'jquery'], function(c3, $) {
                var chart = c3.generate({
                bindto: '#chart-combination', // id of chart wrapper
                data: {
                    columns: [
                    // each columns data
                        ['data1', 100, 130, 150,240, 130, 220],
                        ['data2', 250, 200, 220, 400, 250 , 350]'
                        ['data3', 100, 130, 150,240, 130, 220]

                    type: 'bar', // default type of chart

                    colors: {
                        'data1': Volgh.colors["orange"],
                        'data2': Volgh.colors["pink"]
                        'data3': Volgh.colors["teal"]
                    names: {
                    // name of each serie
                        'data1': 'Marketing',
                        'data2': 'Development'
                        'data3': 'Sales'
                axis: {
                    x: {
                    type: 'category',
                    // name of each category
                    categories: ['2007-2008', '2009-2010', '2011-2012', '2013-2014', '2015-2016', '2017-2018']
                bar: {
                    width: 50
                legend: {
                    show: false, //hide legend
                padding: {
                    bottom: 0,
                    top: 0
@endsection @section('scripts') @vite('resources/assets/js/charts.js') @endsection